
Sunday, December 04, 2005

Thank you God for Radley.
Thank you for a cat who purred long and loud even after you'd finish petting him. For a cat that purred out of sheer contentment at being by his mommy's side.
Thank you for a cat who thought he was human, hanging out at parties and meetings, claiming his chair, welcoming the guests.
Thank you for a cat who loved to be massaged. Jeremy figured that out, or maybe he created that, but Radley loved a good massage. Smart cat.
Thank you God for a cat who was so close to humanity that when his brother misbehaved, he and I would just look at each other in helplessness and sometimes annoyance. I'd roll my eyes and Radley'd close his eyes and we'd go back to sleep.
Thank you God for a cat who would re-adjust his position on the bed to make sure a part of him was always touching a part of me.
Thank you God for a cat who never misbehaved or embarrassed me at the vet.
Thank you God for a cat who never ran away and always knew how to find home.
Thank you God for a cat who was sweet to strangers unless they threatened his brother or mother.
Thank you God for a cat who let me kiss him on the nose without flinching or turning away.
Thank you God for giving me three years with a cat who loved me more unconditionally than any human ever will.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I jested with you about dogs at Seth's, but the truth is that my dog Alex taught me about unconditional love, too. God's creatures are amazing.