I don't think you can actually see the snowflakes in this picture. And truth be told, I don't think it's snowing anymore, more sleeting/hail something or other. But the kids are estatic cause school was cancelled as of last night and I've already seen three walk/skip by my window trying to capture snow/ice from people's yards to make a snowball. Good luck.
But there was snow for a minute. Here's proof. My birdfeeder, roses, chair, etc.
It's snowing again! Fluffy flakes this time. A family is walking outside my window in "thee snow". Juxtapose the Texas excitement of white flakes that quickly melt with my friends Heidi and Damon's habitat. Their blog is under my list of FRIENDS. Oh the diversity of our world...
EVENTS WERE CANCELLED FOR THAT MOCKERY OF AN ICE STORM!! I have FOUR inches of ice on my front steps and yard. Try going down those with a 70 lb lab in tow. I poured 5 tubs of boiling water down my front stairs and it didn't make a dent. It is currently 6 degrees outside. GIVE ME A SMALL BREAK, TEXAS! My state has been declared a disaster area, and your weather is maybe a little too chilly for the pansies you have in your front yard.
now my electricity is off... sad.
Wow. I'm impressed there were cancellations for that amount of snow. In Northern Ohio were I grew up there needed to be at least 8 inches for any schools to be closed. And we all drove in from afar. Hope your power came back on quick like!
power is back, but heater is broken. won't work consistantly. humph. that's me sighing loudly.
i slept fully clothed last night with a stocking cap pulled all the way down over my nose.
even the cats slept under the covers with me.
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